The Feast of our Lady of Mt Carmel was celebrated on 15th July 2023. Students of class X B presented a meaningful programme. Aishwarya and Kevin raised the curtains welcoming the Chief Guest, Sr Lavina Anitha and all present. The devotional prayer not only rendered gratitude to Mother Mary for Her love and protection but also beseeched Her continuous blessings on all. The significance of the feast was presented by Shiny with a narration to a video on Mt Carmel.

A narrative skit presented the selfless sacrifice of every mother. Songs of greetings and praise of Mother Mary sung by the students added a melodious touch to the celebration. Students also entertained the audience with a beautiful dance
Finally, the chief guest, Sr Lavina Anitha enriched the students with the information of the scapular. She also made them aware that silence , within and around us is a necessary factor for meditation . She also lauded the programme of the students as well. The programme concluded with a message by the Headmistress.